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International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE)-IJMPE
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Volume-12,Issue-8  ( Aug, 2024 )
Paper Title
Parameters Identification and Control of Four Dc Motors for SMP Mobile Robot
Author Name
Lwin Ma Ma Maung, Aung Myat San, Wai Mar Myint, Wut Yi Win
This paper is focused on PID based speed controller for the DC motor used in surface mobility platform (SMP) mobile robot. The mathematical model of DC motor is designed using MATLAB simulation toolbox. Arduino mega is used to interface with encoder sensor to measure and collect data from a DC motor under full load condition. System identification techniques is used to identify the parameters of a DC motor. System identification toolbox in MATLAB is used to perform DC motor parameters identification. To identify the parameter of DC motor sine wave, square wave and fourier wave were used as input signals and collected DC motor’s data under operating condition. In this paper, the control system of SMP is implemented with four gear DC motors, a main controller, DC motor driver and 12V power supply. In this paper, the comparison of the PID controller parameter for DC motor control system is described by using simulation results and real time testing results of the SMP drive on even terrain. Keyword - SMP mobile robot, speed controller, mathematical model, system identification, MATLAB simulation
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