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Volume-3,Issue-8  ( Aug, 2017 )
Paper Title
The Influence of Internationalization to Knowledge Protection and Competitive Advantage
Author Name
Tzu-Ya, Sun, Lan-Ying, Huang
Department of business Administration, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan
This study uses different aspects of the enterprise of international operations to investigate the effect of knowledge protection and competitive advantage. The research objects are four science parks in Taiwan makers. Samples from the list of the allied association for science park industries. Mail questionnaire is used to obtain the sample data. The depth and breadth of international and product related diversification with a significant impact on degree of knowledge protection, but unrelated diversification has no significant effect on the degree of knowledge protection. In addition, degree of knowledge protection has significant influence on strategy flexibility and innovation. But the performance didn’t. Finally, regulatory interference brings negative moderating effect between degree of knowledge protection and competitive advantage. No significant impact between market opportunities and environmental uncertainty. The data is collected from Taiwan science park industries within the top four grades, so it’s limited by geography, human and cost estimates. Index Terms—Internationalization, Knowledge Protection, Competitive Advantage, Environmental Opportunities and Challenges
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