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Volume-2,Issue-10, Special Issue-1  ( Oct, 2016 )
Paper Title
Explorative Study on the Perception of Acquisitions (Specific Informational Content)
Author Name
Andra Seceleanu, Aurel Papari, Nicolae Sava
Prof., Ph.D., Andrei Saguna University of Constanta Prof.,M.D., Ph.D, Andrei Saguna University of Constanta Lecturer, Ph.D., Andrei Saguna University of Constanta
During lifetime, perception is influenced by a wide palette of factors which leave their mark on its finality – the perceptive image. The study has as main objective the emphasizing of the modifications which take place at the acquisition level and at the acquisition patterns in a dynamic perspective on 3 temporal lines: the period before ’89, the transition period and nowadays. Thus, the research aims to test the relationship between the perception of acquisitions, of the patterns of acquisition and of the acquisitions themselves, on a sample of subjects from Constanta county, chosen by means of the quota sampling. One of the main hypotheses of this study is that the temporal dimension corroborated with the modifications from the level of the value system, induced by the transformations of Romanian society, have influenced the perception of acquisitions and of the acquisition models. The explorative study will get a qualitative analysis by the introduction in a comparative analysis of the following variables: the intellectual development, the biological type, the place of residence and the value system which will have the purpose to emphasize the differences, but also the similarities between the subjects at the 3 temporal lines. Keywords— Acquisitions; Acquisition Patterns; Value Systems ; Intelligence; Temporal Levels.
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