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International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication (IJEEDC)-IJEEDC
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Volume-10,Issue-5  ( May, 2022 )
Paper Title
Compact Planar UWB Antenna for High Speed Communication
Author Name
Abhishek Rathore, Anuj Singh Saxena, Aruneet Roy Chowdhury, Rakhikumarianjana Bhardwaj
Abstract - The paper discusses the basic information about the designing of microstrip antenna and its applications based on Ultra-Wide Band (UWB). The preferred antenna is to be designed on an substrate FR-4 which would operate between the frequency range of 2.66GHz - 6GHz that also includes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unlicensed the spectrum of 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz [5]. The paper also discusses conventional UWB antenna design based on compact planar monopole along with method improvisation processes to attain the preferred UWB antenna from the traditional UWB antenna. The paper also gives a brief idea about the microstrip antenna, Ultra -Band frequency which can be used to design the UWB antenna for different applications like wireless communication, detection application, and antenna based on metamaterial. When the design of an antenna is completed, the antenna will be fabricated and verified. Keywords - Antenna; Ultrawideb and (UWB) an- Tenna; Microstrip; Monopoles.
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