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Volume-6,Issue-3  ( Mar, 2018 )
Paper Title
Landslide, Rockfall Hazard Assessment and Risk Inventory Maps at South Jordan
Author Name
Emad Akawwi, Adel Al Assaf, Amjad Barghouthi
Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan Dar Al-Omran, Jordan ACES, Jordan
Landslides, one of the major natural disasters that cause different damages in the structures and injury of the people. The main objective of the present study was to prepare a landslide hazard evaluation (LHZ) and develop zones maps of the study area. Evaluate landslide hazard and to prepare a landslide hazard zones map of the study area. The methodology of this study was starting by collecting of information on where landslides are located. All the data as the geological and structural maps of the study area, the geo-morphological map, aerial photos, Satellite Image (Google earth 2014) were collected. Inventory maps can be prepared by different techniques, depending on their scope, the extent of the Study area, the scales of base maps and aerial photographs, and the resources available to carry out the work. As they are prepared by interpreting one or more sets of aerial photographs and correcting the results by field mapping, landslide inventory maps tend to be subjective. Reliability, completeness and resolution are issues to consider when preparing and using an inventory map. Pre-field work included secondary data collection related to topographical maps, satellite images, meteorological data and digital elevation model (DEM) data. The study area subdivided into small square areas with 100m * 100m. The landslides hazard map shows that 12% (5.64 km2) of the study area falls under no hazard, 27% (12.69 km2) as low hazard, 32% (15.04 km2) as moderate hazard, 21% (9.87 km2) as high hazard and the rest 8% (3.76 km2) as very high hazard. The author found that the high hazards are due to the type of soils and the slope. The soil types at these areas are an alluvium and colluviums materials with moderate slope. Keywords - Landslides, Rockfalls, Inventory maps
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