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International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT)-IJASEAT
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Volume-9,Issue-2  ( Apr, 2021 )
Paper Title
Analysis of Salmonella sp. Contamination on Unwrapped and Wrapped Food in Darul ‘Ulum Islamic Boarding School Jombang
Author Name
Mohammad Qoimam Bilqisthi Zulfikar, Meidyta Sinantryana Widyaswari, Kartuti Debora
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia Department of Dermatovenerology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia 3Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, Indonesia
Introduction: The incidence of typhoid fever in Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, especially at the Darul ‘Ulum Islamic Boarding School Jombang is quite high. Based on the medical record in the UNIPDU Medika Hospital in Darul ‘Ulum Jombang Islamic Boarding School in June - December 2018, a total of 43 students were infected. Objective: To identify the contamination of Salmonella sp. on unwrapped and wrapped food in Darul ‘Ulum Islamic Boarding School Jombang. Method: A descriptive-analytical study of Salmonella sp. contamination through microbiological identification on unwrapped and wrapped food using TSIA Test, SIM Test, and Citrate Test. Results: Showed that 0 out of 5 unwrapped (0%) and wrapped food (0%) were contaminated with Salmonella sp. Other bacterial contaminations were also found, Escherichia coli on 3 samples of unwrapped and wrapped food (30%), also Klebsiella pneumoniae on 4 samples of unwrapped and wrapped food (40%), respectively. Keywords - Snack, Salmonella sp., and Boarding School
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