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Volume-6,Issue-1,Special Issue - 1  ( Feb, 2018 )
Paper Title
Air Pollution in BEJAIA City: Measurement, Modeling and Impact Health Assessment
Author Name
Fatima Benaissa, Rezak Alkama, Isabella Annesi-Maesano.
Biological department, Boumerdes University, Boumerdes Algeria EPAR, UPMC Sorbonne Universités, UMR-S 1136, Institute Pierre Louis of Epidemiology and Public Health, Paris France Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Bejaia University, Bejaia, Algeria EPAR (Epidemiology of Allergic And Respiratory Diseases, INSERM U 1136, Institute Pierre Louis of Epidemiology andPublic Health, Paris, France
Air pollution is a major problem of environmental health. It is a mixture of components that have been linked to various adverse health outcomes as well as having general environmental effects. In most cities gasoline and diesel vehicles are among the main sources of this pollution. So, there is growing concern about the effects of traffic emissions cardiorespiratory health. There are numerous epidemiological studies carried out all over the world. However, questions relating to health effects of air pollution are not all resolved. So, when developed countries have made great efforts to improve air quality through the adoption of clean air plans which have included measures such as: demanding emission and air quality regulations, continuous air quality monitoring in urban and industrial centers, and use of cleaner fuels such as natural gas. At the same time, in developing countries like in Algeria, there is little interest in air quality. In fact, the only organization of air pollution monitoring in Algeria is Samasafia whose location is limited to three big cities (Algiers, Annaba and Oran). In other regions, like Bejaia city (~200000 inhabitants) there are no AQ measuring stations. In this context, some studies were performed using manual samplers to measure air pollution in this city. Then these measurements were used to assess health impact. Here, we give a summary of these few studies.
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