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International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science-IJAECS
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Volume-9,Issue-10  ( Oct, 2022 )
Paper Title
Serializing the Textual Configuration Data using Protocol Buffer for Improving Car Configuration Process
Author Name
Bushra Farash, Vidya More, Makarand Gujarathi
1Student, College of Engineering, Pune, India 2Professor, College of Engineering, Pune, India 3Manager, Brose India Automotive Systems Pvt. Ltd., Pune, India
Abstract - Car configuration is the process of initializing different parameters of the car for example Seat height, steering wheel height, seat tilt, whether seat belt buckled up or not etc. according to default or user defined values. This configuration starts on receiving trigger signals from the users or sensors installed. The parameter values are stored in the data elements of ECU (Electronic Control Unit) software. ECUs are the embedded devices that control different electronics and mechanical systems or subsystems inside a car. In present scenario this configuration data is stored and transmitted to the ECUs as an XML file. XML is known for not being compact as well as speed optimized. This paper explores the efficiency of using protocol buffer as a serialization format for configuration data storage and transmission within the complex ECU network inside a car. To make this configuration process less resource intensive protocol buffer is chosen as a serialization format over XML. This selection is based on the difference in speed and memory requirements of the two mentioned serialization formats to save memory at ECU side and time required for configuration. Keywords - Configuration Data, ECU, Protocol Buffer, Serialization, XML.
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