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International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC)-IJACSCC
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Volume-1,Issue-2  ( Nov, 2013 )
Paper Title
Reducing Cost Of Provisioning In Cloud Computing
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Kunalmahurkar, Shraddhakatore, Surajbhaisade, Pratikawale
Cloud consumer can successfully reduce total cost of resource provisioning in cloud computing environment. Numerical studies are extensively performed in which the results clearly show that with the OCRP algorithm, cloud consumer can successfully minimize total cost of resource provisioning in cloud computing environments. In cloud computing, cloud providers can present cloud consumers two provisioning policy for computing resources that is reservation and on-demand plans. In general, cost of utilize computing resources provisioned by condition plan is cheaper than that provisioned by on-demand plan, since cloud consumer has to pay to provider in go forward With the state plan, the customer can decrease the total resource provisioning cost. However, the finest advance reservation of resources is hard to be achieving due to uncertainty of consumer’s future demand and providers resource prices. To address this difficulty, an optimal cloud resource provisioning OCRP (optimal cloud resource provisioning) algorithm is projected by formulating a stochastic programming model. The OCRP algorithm can provision computing resources for being used in multiple provisioning stages as well as a long-term plan,. The demand and price doubt is considered in OCRP. In this paper, different approach to gain the solution of the OCRP algorithm is measured including deterministic corresponding formulation, sample-average estimate, and Benders decomposition. Numerical studies are at length achieved in which the results clearly show that with the OCRP algorithm.
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