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International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC)-IJACSCC
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Volume-3,Issue-1  ( May, 2015 )
Paper Title
Load Balancing Architecture Based On Cloud Partitioning
Author Name
Apurva Kamble, Priyanka Jadhav, Ankit Soni, V. M. Barkade
Computer Engineering Department, Rajarshi Shahu College of Engg. Pune-411033, Maharashtra, India
Cloud computing is model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Load Partitioning is an optimal approach for public cloud. The Load balancing is a process of distribution of workload among different nodes or processors. Load balancing is to improve performance of cloud environment through an appropriate distribution strategy. A dynamic load balancing scheme is used for its flexibility. The random arrival of load in public cloud can cause some server to be heavily loaded while other server is idle or lightly loaded. The model strategy is to divide the public cloud into several cloud partitions which helps to overcome from the problem of the load on cloud by improved response time and processing time. Keywords— Cloud Computing, Cloud Partitioning, Dynamic Load Balancing, Load balancing model, Public Cloud.
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