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International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Cloud Computing (IJACSCC)-IJACSCC
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Volume-6,Issue-2  ( Nov, 2018 )
Paper Title
Automatic Control System Software for the Gas Pumping Unit with an Anti-Surge Algorithm based on Trace Mode 6
Author Name
Aleksei E. Zhdanov, Leonid G. Dorosinsky
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Russia
Continuous gas transportation depends on the stable operation of GPU. However, this stability can be disrupted by a surge. Fighting this phenomenon is a complex technological task that requires a detailed study of the gas pumping unit's operation. Interaction of the operator with the ACS GPU is carried out through the adopted "man-machine interface", which regulates the order of the operations of preparation, start-up and control of GPU. Thus, implemented software based on TRACE MODE 6 with an anti-surge algorithm, previously the algorithm was implemented by a third-party device. The described ACS software implements the management of the technological process at all stages and already used on real gas pumping station (GPS). Keywords - automatic control system, gas pumping unit, centrifugal compressor, surge, anti-surge
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