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International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN)-IJACEN
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Volume-4, Issue-12  ( Dec, 2016 )
Paper Title
Detection of On-off Attack Based on Predectability Trust in Wireless Sensor Network
Author Name
Amol R. Dhakne, P.N. Chatur
Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Now days, Trust management schemes are widely used in decision making process for access control, secure routing and Intrusion detection. Sometimes unintentional errors are possible, trust management must consider some redemption schemes so that nodes will be able to recover trust again. It is possible for malicious node that it can falsify the misbehavior as unintentional temporary error to misguide redemption scheme and due to which malicious node can get more chances to attack system by disturbing redemption scheme. Existing trust management schemes that consider redemption scheme to recover trust fail to distinguish between temporary errors and malicious behaviors where attackers behave well and bad alternatively. This paper presents disadvantages of existing redemption scheme describes a trust management and redemption scheme that can distinguish between temporary errors and malicious activities with some design. Index Terms— On-Off Attack, Wireless Sensor Network, Predictability Trust.
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