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International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN)-IJACEN
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Volume-12,Issue-7  ( Jul, 2024 )
Paper Title
Used Car Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
Author Name
Elijah Chol Malual Ayool, Esther Jama Paulino, Shwetameena
While manufacturers determine the prices of new vehicles, additional taxes imposed by the government contribute to the overall cost. This assurance allows customers investing ina new car to believe that the money spent is justifiable. However, the demand for used cars is growing globally as a result of rising newcarpricesandsomecustomers’inabilitytobuythem.As aresult,atrustworthysystemforpredictingusedcarprices that precisely projects a vehicle’s value based on a number of variables is desperately needed. In the current setup, the existing system operates with sellers arbitrarily setting prices, leaving buyers without sufficient information about the car or its value. In reality, the seller often lacks awareness of the current worthof the car or the appropriate selling price. To tackle this issue,wehavedevelopedahighlyeffectivemodel.Insteadofpredefined values, algorithms are employed to generate continuous values, allowing for the prediction of the actual cost of the vehicle rather than its price range. Keywords - Regression, CarPrice Prediction, Model
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