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International Journal of Advance Computational Engineering and Networking (IJACEN)-IJACEN
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Volume-3, Issue-4  ( Apr, 2015 )
Paper Title
Compression Of FPGA Bitstreams Using A Novel Bitmask And RLE Algorithm
Author Name
Rui Yu, Yibin Li
Shandong University
The configuration file size of a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) has increased rapidly. Thus, compression techniques are used to decrease the size of bitstreams. Two parameters are employed to measure compression, namely, com- pression ratio (CR) and decompression speed. Existing studies in this field have focused on two directions: small CR with slow decompression speed, and fast decompression speed at the cost of CR. This paper proposes a novel decode-aware com- pression technique with small compression ratio and minimal decompression time. The paper contributes to the literature by 1) proposing a novel dictionary selection algorithm that can avoid dictionary repetition, and 2) introducing an improved pa- rameter selection that can provide a better CR. The experimental results showed that our approach outperforms the existing compression maximum of 15% in terms of compression ratio. Moreover, the decompression hardware can operate at 330 MHZ on a Virtex-5 FPGA. Keyword- FPGA, Bitstream, Compression, Dictionary Compression
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